Thursday, May 19, 2005

anne rice is only telling half the story

in movies and books vampires are portrayed as sexy, mesmerizing people with really hip jobs such as counts, if that is really a job, or rock stars, if that is really a job. but the truth of the matter is there are millions of us vampires who doesnt fall in that category. we are average looking individuals with entry level jobs on the graveyard shift. who do you think can up the term “graveyard shift”? i did about 306 years ago. or was it 307 years? the only employment i could get was digging graves at midnight back then.

and why can we only working entry level jobs? think about. how can we stay with a company for 20 years and advance when we dont age. the longest i can stay is around 4 years. and to top that i cant put my past experience on my resumé!

“humm, mr. skunkman, ah, you state on your resumé that you mixed paint for michelangelo back in 1504.”

"yes sir, but may i point out that's 1504 AD."

you see! you see! being a vampire is not that great! i can go on and on with other stories like: why we are limited to shop at walmart; pay full price for movie tickets; and why we like rap music, morrissey, and lesbians, but i'll save that for another time...the sun is coming up.

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